Business Networking by Clever Things, LLC

: ]  [ Company Policies ]  → Sexual Harassment Policy


Clever Things, LLC believes that all employees have the right to work in an environment free from sexual harassment. Accordingly, we strive to ensure a workplace characterized by mutual respect. Sexual harassment will not be tolerated under any circumstances.


Sexual harassment violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) defines sexual harassment as unwelcome sexual advances (physical, verbal, or visual), unwelcome requests for sexual favors, or any other conduct of a sexual nature that is objectionable to the recipient. Such unwelcome acts are considered sexual harassment when: 1) submission to or rejection of the act explicitly or implicitly affects the recipient�s employment (promotions, dismissals, etc.); 2) the act interferes with the recipient's work performance; and/or 3) the act creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. An act must be unwelcome to be considered sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment includes but is not limited to: objectionable epithets, jokes, cartoons, comments, and gestures, as well as the display of offensive posters, objects, and magazines. Both the victim and perpetrator may be a male or a female, and the victim does not have to be of the opposite sex.


An employee who feels that s/he is the victim of sexual harassment should bring the subject to the attention of his/her supervisor immediately. If that person is the harasser, the employee should alert the Chief Executive Officer or other member of senior management. An employee also has the legal right to file a complaint with the EEOC or another outside agency.

The person(s) alerted will then begin the investigation procedure. The complainant will make a statement with two people present. If possible, the statement will be taken when the authorities are first alerted. The investigators will then take a statement from the accused as well as any possible witnesses, also with two people present. All employees must cooperate with the investigation. Depending on the complexities of the investigation, all parties involved should be informed of the status of the complaint in 72 hours.


Clever Things, LLC will always ensure the confidentiality of the complainant, the accused, and the witnesses. We cannot promise absolute confidentiality, but we pledge to conduct the investigation on a need-to-know basis. Only those who must know about the complaint and the identity of the complainant will have access to that information.


If management finds that the accused had violated company policy, they will take the proper disciplinary action. Such actions include but are not limited to: verbal / written reprimand, suspension, transfer, and dismissal. The seriousness of the violation, the existence and nature of prior sexual harassment complaints and / or policy breaches, and the wishes of the accuser, as well as other considerations, are taken into account when determining disciplinary action. Clever Things, LLC will strive to correct the harassment. An employee denied a promotion because of sexual harassment, for example, will be granted that promotion.

Retaliation against any party involved the accused, accuser, witnesses, and investigators will not be tolerated. Employees acting as such will be disciplined.

If the complaint is found to be false, disciplinary actions will be taken against the accuser. �If the complaint is unresolved, no disciplinary actions will be taken against either the accuser or the accused. Employees who do not cooperate in investigations, such as witnesses who refuse to give statements, will be subject to disciplinary action.


Clever Things, LLC will strive to prevent sexual harassment of employees by non-employees (customers, vendors, etc.) in the work environment.


It is the responsibility of Clever Things, LLC to inform and educate its employees about its sexual harassment policy and to insure that the appropriate authorities know how to handle sexual harassment complaints. Suggestions and complaints regarding Clever Things, LLC's sexual harassment policy as well as the communication and implementation of this policy are welcome.

This policy was last revised on Saturday, December 24th, 2016.

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